AWSNA Position Statement

On 28 June 1996, delegates to the annual meeting of the Association of Waldorf Schools in North America (AWSNA), adopted a position statement titled “Affiliation with the Association of Waldorf Schools in North America and Use of the trademark name “Waldorf” and “Rudolf Steiner” Education. Following is the full text of this position statement:


AWSNA Position Statement
The Association of Waldorf Schools of North America is an association of independent schools working out of the pedagogical indications of Rudolf Steiner. Waldorf Education is devoted to contributing to spiritual, social and economic renewal. It should be understood by any school or institution seeking affiliation with AWSNA that Waldorf education is based on Anthroposophy, the philosophy initiated by Rudolf Steiner.Waldorf is a trademark name in the United States and is reserved for independent schools which meet the membership standards established by AWSNA. Only schools which have been accepted as Sponsored or Full Members of AWSNA may represent themselves as Waldorf schools or use the words “Waldorf” or “Rudolf Steiner” in their names or subtitles.It is our belief that Waldorf methods can be applied in many different classroom settings. However, Waldorf education is only possible if its practitioners and administrators are free to work out of a clear recognition of and commitment to the development of the spiritual nature of the human being.

AWSNA supports and encourages the work of any school or institution whose teachers wish to work with the philosophy, insights and methods of Waldorf pedagogy.

Guidelines for affiliation with AWSNA are available from the Association.

AWSNA will not assist in the design, quality, evaluation or outcomes of non-member schools.



More information can be obtained by contacting AWSNA at 3911 Bannister Road, Fair Oaks CA 95628; (916) 961-0927; Fax (916) 961-0715.