Waldorf Survivors Group

Waldorf-Anthroposophy-Steiner Survivors Only (WASSO) is an international online discussion and support group for those who have had negative experiences related to Waldorf Schools, Anthroposophy, Camphill and other programs based on the occult ideas of Rudolf Steiner. Current members include former Waldorf School students & teachers, parents of former Waldorf students, and others by approval of the volunteer moderators. Members are welcome to share personal stories, ask questions, and express concerns — from the personal to the more global — about Waldorf education and related topics. All posts to the list are confidential — for list members only.

Please note that although members often provide each other with emotional support, the moderators are not mental health professionals and cannot offer real counseling. The international team of list moderators has many years of experience with Anthroposophy and Waldorf and is experienced in dealing with sensitive issues and privacy concerns of applicants. English is the language of the list but perfect written English is not necessary. For reasons of confidentiality, privacy and integrity of this on-line community, all candidates for membership are required to share their real names, addresses, phone numbers and basic reasons for wanting to join with the moderators only. This information will be kept completely confidential. After acceptance to the group, members are free to use pseudonyms and are under no obligation to share identity or location with anyone.

The moderators reserve the right to preview posts and reject anything that they deem inappropriate or disturbing.

If you have had a disturbing experience with Waldorf education or any other Anthroposophy/Steiner related program and are looking for support in a respectful on-line environment, our group might be of some help.

Apply for membership