Author: Peter Staudenmaier

Bibliography on the Applicability of “Occultism” As a Description of Anthroposophy

Bibliography on the Applicability of “Occultism” As a Description of Anthroposophy

By Peter Staudenmaier

On the waldorf-critics list, July 20, 2006 “Re: the meaning of occultism”

[Baandje wrote:]

The only time I hear the word “occult” used today, is in conjunction
with some fundamentalist group and whatever it is they happen to take
exception to. […]
In all my years of involvement with various spiritual groups and
individual seekers of the spirit, I honestly cannot recall a single
instance of someone referring to spiritual development as “occult”
development. Words such as “esoteric” and “mysticism” are used today,
yes. But not “occult.”

[Peter Staudenmaier replied]

Maybe you should broaden your horizons a bit. Here are a few reading tips:

Corinna Treitel, A Science for the Soul: Occultism and the Genesis of the German Modern (Baltimore 2004)

Alex Owen, The Place of Enchantment: British Occultism and the Culture of the Modern (Chicago 2004)

David Allen Harvey, Beyond Enlightenment: Occultism and Politics in Modern France (DeKalb 2005)

B. J. Gibbons, Spirituality and the Occult from the Renaissance to the Modern Age (New York 2000)

Bernice Rosenthal, ed., The Occult in Russian and Soviet Culture (Ithaca 1997)

(all five are superb books, by the way, despite many criticisms I have of each)

Then there’s Dan Burton and David Grandy, Magic, Mystery, and Science: The Occult in Western Civilization (Bloomington 2004), by two academics sympathetic to the neo-occultist scene. And many works go further back, for instance P. G. Maxwell-Stuart, ed., The Occult in Early Modern Europe: A Documentary History (New York 1999). For more specifically American materials there’s Susan Gillman, Blood Talk: American Race Melodrama and the Culture of the Occult (Chicago 2003), or Joshua Gunn, Modern Occult Rhetoric (Tuscaloosa 2005).

If you want something shorter than a book, check out Antoine Faivre, “What is Occultism?‚” in Lawrence Sullivan, ed., Hidden Truths: Magic, Alchemy, and the Occult (New York 1989). Or this article notably sympathetic to its subject:

Robert Sumser, “Rational Occultism in Fin de Siecle Germany: Rudolf Steiner‚s Modernism” History of European Ideas vol. 18 no. 4 (1994), 497-511.

For examples of some of the prior literature, see Marcello Truzzi, “Definition and Dimensions of the Occult: Towards a Sociological Perspective,” Journal of Popular Culture 5 (1971) , 635-646. Or this one:

Robert Galbreath, “The History of Modern Occultism: A Bibliographical Survey,” Journal of Popular Culture vol. 5 no. 3 (1971), 726-754.

Galbreath also has an influential interpretive essay: Robert Galbreath, “Explaining Modern Occultism‚” in Howard Kerr and Charles Crow, editors, The Occult in America: New Historical Perspectives (Chicago 1983). His dissertation, quite sympathetic toward Steiner, is titled Spiritual Science in an Age of Materialism: Rudolf Steiner and Occultism‚ (University of Michigan, 1970).

On the relation among the terms ‘mystic’, ‘esoteric’, and ‘occult’, there’s a fine essay in German:

Bettina Gruber, “Mystik, Esoterik, Okkultismus: Überlegungen zu einer Begriffsdiskussion‚” in Moritz Baßler and Hildegard Chatellier, eds., Mystik, Mystizismus und Moderne in Deutschland um 1900 (Strasbourg 1998).

For two excellent works in English that cover the same territory see:

Wouter Hanegraaff, New Age Religion and Western Culture: Esotericism in the Mirror of Secular Thought (Leiden 1996)

Olav Hammer, Claiming Knowledge: Strategies of Epistemology from Theosophy to the New Age (Leiden 2001).

You could also take a look at the new journal Aries: Journal for the Study of Western Esotericism.

As you can see, lots and lots of people still use the term “occult” in perfectly reasonable, non-manipulative and non-inflammatory ways.

I think you would do well to re-think your claim in light of this fact. Cheers,

Peter S.

Waldorf in the Nazi era

Waldorf in the Nazi era

Posted to the waldorf-critics discussion list by Peter Staudenmaier (


Walden ( wrote:

>I have bumped into this quote a few times now at Waldorf sites:
>"With the rise to power of Hitler's government, a life and death struggle
>began for the German Waldorf Schools. There was continuous harassment, and
>finally they were closed with the simple explanation that there was no place
>in Nazi Germany for any school that educated individuals to think for
>Does anyone have information regarding the source of this type of quote?
>Was this "simple explanation" ever documented?

It's probably taken from one of the reports filed by the
anti-anthroposophist faction of the Nazis. That faction did indeed
denounce Waldorf education as excessively individualistic. I'd like to
say that this is only half the story, but in fact it's more like one
sixteenth of the story. For starters, the Waldorf leadership themselves
routinely trumpeted Waldorf's non-individualist orientation and boasted
about how well the schools prepared pupils for joining the
Volksgemeinschaft, the Nazis' term for the German national community.
And the anti-anthroposophist faction within the party faced a powerful
lobby of pro-anthroposophist Nazis, who supported and promoted Waldorf
education along with biodynamic farming and other anthroposophist
endeavors. The anti-anthroposophist faction didn't gain the upper hand
until the middle of 1941, more than eight years into the Nazis'
twelve-year reign, and the last Waldorf school in Germany wasn't shut
down until then (while several Waldorf schools continued to operate in
other countries under Nazi occupation). Above all...there was a
significant measure of pro-Nazi sentiment among leading anthroposophists
during the Third Reich, and the Waldorf movement was no exception in
this regard. Within active Waldorf circles, the two chief tendencies
were an enthusiastically Nazi grouping, who saw Waldorf pedagogy as
especially compatible with the goals of the Third Reich, and a larger
accomodationist grouping that attempted to convince Nazi educational
authorities (who looked askance at all private schools) that Waldorf was
an acceptable alternative to state schooling. Interestingly, the main
Waldorf journal at the time was somewhat more forthright in its
appreciative comments about various aspects of National Socialism than
other German anthroposophist periodicals were (though they were outdone,
of course, by the chief biodynamics journal, which praised Hitler even
after the start of the war). Also, a large proportion of Waldorf faculty
joined the Nazi teachers' association at a relatively early stage. As
usual, the passage above reveals that anthroposophically derived
projects still have a long way to go in coming to terms with their own

Peter S.