Author: Dan Dugan

The Roots of Racism in Waldorf Schools

The Roots of Racism in Waldorf Schools

By Dan Dugan, revised September 1, 1996

I. Introduction

Waldorf schools are a worldwide system of primary and secondary schools founded on the philosophy of Rudolf Steiner. In some countries they are funded by the government. Until recently, all Waldorf schools In the USA have been private. Missionary activity by Anthroposophy, the sect which carries on Steiner’s work, has resulted in the founding of a few public alternative Waldorf schools, and a growing number of charter schools.

Waldorf schools are often wracked by controversies which break out when parents discover strange or offensive beliefs or practices. Some of these incidents involve allegations of racism in the curriculum or in a teacher’s treatment of students. This article illustrates, by quotations from Rudolf Steiner and his followers in Anthroposophy, that a benevolent but paternalistic racism is inherent in the movement.

Waldorf teachers study a lot of Steiner. Steiner’s teachings are pervaded by a racial mythology that he and the Nazis derived from Madame Blavatsky’s Theosophy. Though he differed with the Nazis on nationalism and tactics, Steiner also made much of the superiority of the Central European soul and of the German spirit, in comparison with other ethnic groups. Early Nazi ideologists drew inspiration from Steiner’s teachings (see below, Goodrick-Clarke, 1992). Though the Nazis banned Anthroposophy, this does not necessarily confer sainthood. The Thule Society, another source of Nazi mythology, was also banned at the same time. These groups were suppressed as rivals, rather than opponents, of Nazism.

Steiner expressed high ideals about the unity of humanity. In 1909 he wrote that the “anthroposophical movement, …must cast aside the division into races. It must seek to unite people of all races and nations and to bridge the divisions and differences between people and various groups of people. … [W]e must get beyond the illnesses of childhood and understand clearly that the concept of race has ceased to have any meaning in our time” (Steiner, 1909, UH pp. 11-13). But at the same time he promulgated a mythological theory that humanity evolved and continues to evolve through ever higher races.

I have not searched out obscure sources for these items. All of the books cited are either on display in the bookstores of Waldorf schools, used as teaching guides, or promoted through Anthroposophical presses whose catalogs are distributed at the schools and teacher training colleges. I question whether, despite their high ideals and good intentions, teachers whose training includes proto-Nazi racial mythology can avoid bringing this misinformation into the content of their lessons, and into their relationships with the children.

II. Quotations: Race in General

The items in each section are in historical order. Steiner’s works are given their original dates. His titles are coded for brevity; please see the references below for the actual editions used. For transmission by wire, italics in originals are rendered *thus*, and dashes by two hyphens “–“.

* Quotations marked with an asterisk are from works which were required reading for teacher trainees at Rudolf Steiner College, 1993-1994.

“The Ancestors of the Atlanteans lived in a region which has disappeared, the main part of which lay south of contemporary Asia. In theosophical writings they are called the Lemurians. After they had passed through various stages of development the greatest part of them declined. These became stunted men, whose descendants still inhabit certain parts of the earth today as so-called savage tribes. Only a small part of Lemurian humanity was capable of further development. From this part the Atlanteans were formed.
“Later, something similar again took place. The greatest part of the Atlantean population declined, and from a small portion are descended the so-called Aryans who comprise present-day civilized humanity. According to the nomenclature of the science of the spirit, the Lemurians, Atlanteans and Aryans are *root races* of mankind. If one imagines that two such root races preceded the Lemurians and that two will succeed the Aryans in the future, one obtains a total of *seven*.” (Steiner, 1904, CM p. 48)

* “Besides their character, families, nations and races have also their destiny. … Besides the separate individuals, a very real family and national group soul and racial spirit is at work in the life of a family, a people, or a race. Indeed, in a certain sense the separate individuals are merely the executive organs of these family group souls, racial spirits, and so on….In the truest sense, everyone receives his alotted task from his family, national or racial group soul.” (Steiner, 1904, KHW pp. 240-241)

* “[P]eoples and races are but steps leading to pure humanity. A race or a nation stands so much the higher, the more perfectly its members express the pure, ideal human type, the further they have worked their way from physical and perishable to the supersensible and imperishable. The evolution of man through the incarnations in ever higher national and racial forms is thus a process of liberation. Man must finally appear in harmonious perfection.” (Steiner, 1904, KHW p. 252)

“We are within the great Root Race of humanity, which has peopled the earth, since the land on which we now live rose up out of the inundations of the ocean. Ever since the Atlantean Race began slowly to disappear, the great Aryan Race has been the dominant one on earth. If we contemplate ourselves, we here in Europe are thus the fifth Sub-Race of the great Aryan Root Race. The first Sub-Race lived in the distant past in Ancient India. And the present-day Indians are descendants of that first Sub-Race, whose spiritual life is still extant in the ancient Indian Vedas. The Vedas are indeed only echoes of the ancient culture of the Rishis. At that time there was of course no writing yet – there was only tradition. Then came the second, third and fourth Sub-Races. The fourth Sub-Race adopted Christianity. Then, halfway through the Middle Ages, we see that the fifth Sub-Race formed itself, to which we and the neighboring nations belong.” (Steiner, Rudolf. The Temple Legend: Freemasonry and Related Occult Movements: Twenty Lectures given in Berlin between 23rd May 1904 and the 2nd January 1906. (1904-1906) Trans. John M. Wood, Edited E.M. Lloyd. London: Rudolf Steiner Press, 1985, p. 220)

“[W]hat the etheric body comprises derives from the maternal element, as handed down from generation to generation, so that every man bears in his own etheric body the legacy of the maternal element, and in his physical body, that of the paternal element. Now, by reason of consanguinity, the inheritance, perpetuating itself from etheric body to etheric body, was very potent, and from it derived the old faculty of clairvoyance. The offspring of endogamy inherited with the related blood the old capacity for wisdom in the etheric body. But as blood became more and more mixed–as a result of increasing intermarriage among tribes–the possibility of handing down the ancient wisdom diminished; …the mixing of different bloods obscured the ancient wisdom more and more… We are, of course, still involved in this process of deterioration taking place in the human blood because, in as far as it has its origin in an ancient epoch, it will follow its lingering course to the end of *Earth* evolution.” (Steiner, 1909, GSJ p. 226)

“[A]s a consequence of the Luciferic and Ahrimanic influences, human blood became ever less fitted to provide the faculty of seeing the outer world in its true light: a steady increase in illusion was bound up with the blood’s deterioration, with the dissolution of blood as it had been in the age of consanguinity, with the blood’s dispersion and destruction by miscegenation. No longer could man consult the old wisdom he had once possessed as a legacy… Had it not been for the intervention of the Christ influence, he would ultimately have lost his whole heritage of ancient wisdom by being gradually reduced to complete dependence upon the outer sense world and its impressions.” (Steiner, 1909, GSJ p. 244)

“It is indeed very uncommon–note that I am saying uncommon, though it does not always have to be so–that a soul belongs to the same community on earth through a number of consecutive incarnations. Souls pass from one earthly community to another…we have one example of souls actually assuming the same nationality a number of times. That is the case with the people of Central Europe. These Central European peoples include many souls that are incarnated among them today and have also been incarnated in the Germanic tribes in the past. This is a fact we are able to trace.” (Steiner, 1915, DIN p. 57)

“The Western European peoples have become very much crystallized in their national characteristics, but in the case of the German people this cannot happen because of the peculiar nature of the German folk spirit. The result is that German attitudes will always have to remain more universal than those of other peoples. These things relate to profound realities in the spiritual world.” (Steiner, 1915, DIN p. 176)

“The German spirit…is prepared for a truth that reveals itself to be true out of itself, not requiring external verification. The German spirit is prepared for this and evidence of this may be found everywhere. The thoughts of those who were truly working within the essence of the German spirit have always taken the form of considering truth to be an inner gift of the human soul.” (Steiner, 1915, DIN p. 104)

“What has to come about for the civilization and culture of the future will only come about if the German folk spirit finds souls that transplant the Christ impulse into their astral body and ego the way it can indeed be implanted there in a state of full conscious awareness. It has to come about through harmony being established, by uniting with that which is consciously achieved in Central Europe–more and more consciously.
“This will need not just one or two centuries, but a very long time. The time needed…I would say counting from the year 1400. Adding two thousand years to 1400 we get the approximate time when something will emerge in the evolution of the earth that has had its seeds in the German life of the spirit…That is the intention of the cosmic intelligence…For the moment the East is very far indeed from achieving this. The very best of them still fall far short. Short sightedly, they still refuse to accept what Central European culture in particular is able to give.” (Steiner, 1915, DIN p. 62)

“Not only is it characteristic of Hindu thought, if not of all Asian religious perception, however, that its entire attention is directed to the time preceding the appearance of the Christ impulse, but also that the state of religious perception is preserved as it was in those days. If something remains behind in the evolutionary process it can be interpreted to have absorbed something luciferic, and for this reason Asian religious evolution is the carrier of a luciferic element. A glance at the religious development of Asia will inform us that it contains much of what mankind as a whole once possessed but was later forced to abandon. We must in part cleanse Western culture of the luciferic remnants and in part we must elevate them in such a way that the Christ impulse can enter.” (Steiner, 1915, CRLA p. 11)

“[The purpose of the Opium War] is not to help certain people make millions and grow rich but to prevent certain souls who would have come from the spiritual world round about now, to strengthen the cultural forces of Europe, from incarnating yet, and instead to surreptitiously fill European bodies with Chinese souls…In a great many European people a disharmony between soul and body has been brought about in the way I have just described…Seen in this way, that Opium War meant the switching of a soul element from a part of the earth to which it belonged–and where it might have been of use, because it would have fitted–to another part of the earth where it could become a tool for forces whose designs are by no means necessarily beneficial for mankind.” (Steiner, 1916, KU1 p. 270)

“[B]ecause our etheric bodies differ in their constitution, composition, and structure in the cosmos, there would have to be seven groups of human beings. This is the fact we gradually arrive at when we investigate the relationship between our etheric body and our physical body with the methods of spiritual science. Now this difference is connected with the racial diversities on the earth. Basically, because of this difference in etheric bodies, the several races can always be reduced to the number seven.” (Steiner, 1916, UH p. 74)

“[V]arious types of human beings would have appeared one after the other. However, Lucifer and Ahriman…fought against this harmonious tendency of development in the evolution of humanity…Thus, forms that should have disappeared remained. Instead of racial diversities developing consecutively, older racial forms remained unchanged and newer ones began to evolve at the same time. Instead of the intended consecutive development of races, there was a coexistence of races. That is how it came about that physically different races inhabited the earth and are still there in our time although evolution should really have proceeded as I have described it.” (Steiner, 1916, UH pp. 74-75)

“[T]he ancient Greeks dreamed of a uniform, perfect, beautiful type of human being that should have developed. This development did not occur because Lucifer and Ahriman preserved older racial forms that had developed, so that there was a coexistence of races rather than a succession.” (Steiner, 1916, UH p. 76)

“The most characteristic sign of the time is the belief that when a group of individuals have set up some trashy proposition as a general program–such as the unity of all men regardless of race, nation or color, and so forth–something has been accomplished. Nothing has been accomplished except to throw sand into people’s eyes. Something real is attained only when we note the differences and realize what world conditions are.” (Steiner, 1920, SSFSF p. 122)

“[T]he representative people for the development of the consciousness soul, hence for what matters particularly in our age, is the Anglo-Saxon nation. The Anglo-Saxon people are those who through their whole organization are predisposed to develop the consciousness soul to a special degree. The prominent position occupied by the Anglo-Saxon nation in our time is indeed due to the fact that this nation is especially suited for the development of the consciousness soul.” (Steiner, 1921, MTA p. 195)

* “Even the savage is affected by nature, but the laws of nature reveal themselves only to the thoughts fructified by intuition of the more highly developed man.” (Steiner, 1922, T p. 31)

“You see, when we really study science and history, we must conclude that if people become increasingly strong, they will also become increasingly stupid. If the blonds and blue-eyed people die out, the human race will become increasingly dense if men do not arrive at a form of intelligence that is independent of blondness. Blond hair actually bestows intelligence. … It is indeed true that the more the fair individuals die out the more will the instinctive wisdom of humans vanish.” (Steiner, 1922, HI-1, p. 86)

* “No doubt about it, the soul becomes corrupted through using the French language…It is also possible at the present time that the French will even ruin their own blood, the very element which has kept their language going as a corpse. That is a terrible thing the French people are doing to other people, the frightful cultural brutality of transplanting black people to Europe. It affects France itself worst of all. This has an incredibly strong effect on the blood, the race. This will substantially add to French decadence. The French nation will be weakened as a race.” (Steiner, 1923, CT-3 pp. 87-88)

* “The girl L.K. in class 1…is one of those cases that are occurring more and more frequently where children are born and human forms exist which actually, with regard to the highest member the ego, are not human at all but are inhabited by beings who do not belong to the human race…They are very different from human beings where spiritual matters are concerned. For instance they can never memorise sentences, only words. I do not like speaking about these things, as there is considerable opposition about this. Just imagine what people would say if they heard that we are talking about human beings who are not human beings. Nevertheless these are facts. Furthermore, there would not be such a decline of culture if there were a strong enough feeling for the fact that some people, the ones who are particularly ruthless, are not human beings at all but demons in human form.
“But do not let us broadcast this. There is enough opposition already. Things like this give people a terrible shock. People were frightfully shocked when I had to say that a quite famous university professor with a great reputation had had a very short period between death and re-birth and was a re-incarnated negro scientist.
“But don”t let us publicise these things.” (Steiner, 1923, CT-4 pp. 36-37)

“[T]he European sort of invention is impossible for either the Chinese or the Japanese.” (Steiner, 1924, EEM p. 77)

“[W]e are not justified in thinking that human beings were originally like the savages of today. The savages have developed into what they now are–with their superstitions, their magical practices and their unclean appearance–from states originally more perfect. The only superiority we have over them is that, while starting from the same conditions, we did not degenerate as they did. I might therefore say: The evolution of man has taken two paths. It is not true that the savages of today represent the original condition of mankind. Mankind, though to begin with it looked more animal-like, was highly civilized. … Just as the present savages have fallen from the level of the human beings of primeval times, so the apes are beings who have fallen still lower.” (Steiner, 1924, EEM p. 126)

There is evidence that Nazi ideologists drew from Steiner’s teachings. According to Goodrick-Clarke:

“Here [*Ostara*, July, 1908] he [Gravell] outlined a thoroughly theosophical conception of race and a programme for the restoration of Aryan authority in the world. His quoted occult sources were texts by Annie Besant, Blavatsky’s successor as leader of the international Theosophical Society at London, and Rudolf Steiner, the Secretary General of its German branch in Berlin.” (Goodrick-Clarke, 1992, p. 101)

In the next three items, South African Anthroposophists (Picard, Downer) apply Steiner’s teachings to their situation in South Africa. From a book distributed in the U.S. as resource material for Waldorf teachers preparing a unit on Africa:

“According to Rudolf Steiner, certain regions of the earth are connected with the Historical development of the human being. One of these regions or centres, as they are better called, where cosmic influences played their part was situated in the interior of Africa. All terrestrial forces emanating from the soil, that influence man during his early childhood, were particularly active in those centres… Man’s environment has the strongest impact on him during his early childhood, and this particular environment imprints the characteristics of his childhood upon him for the rest of this life… Thus the black negro race is determined by these childhood characteristics. Another centre where cosmic influences were particularly active was located in Asia but there the etheric formative forces of the earth impressed permanently upon man the characteristics of adolescence. There the brown and yellow races came into being, the brown race specifically imprinted with the characteristics of the child from the age of seven years to fourteen years; the yellow race with those of the youth from fourteen to twenty-one years. In a similar centre in Europe, the characteristics of maturity were imprinted upon the race and in America those of the older human being and even old age. Dr. Steiner calls this a UNIVERSAL LAW.
“Coming back to the black race which had its centre in the interior of Africa, the Spirits of Form–the Exousiai–and the Abnormal Spirits of Form (who as you will remember are those Higher Beings who forsook their promotion to a higher hierarchy to perform a special duty), were centred in Mercury. Hence we may call the black race the Mercury Race. Although the seeds for this race were already planted in Lemuria, its concrete formation occurred in early Atlantis. From there the race spread across Africa and “crystallized,” as Dr. Steiner put it, into the Ethiopian race as an expression of an impulse from the Mercury Oracle or, if one prefers, the Mercury Mysteries in Atlantis. In these Mysteries, the abnormal Spirits of Form worked specifically in the glandular or lymphatic system. Everything that characterised the Ethiopian race stems from the fermentation of the Mercury forces in the glandular system of the people. Dr. Steiner taught: “What transforms the undifferentiated universal human form into black pigmentation and wooly or frizzy hair, is the consequence of their activity.”
“Whereas Mercury dominates, so to speak, the glandular system, Venus dominates the nervous system, Mars the blood and Jupiter the senses. Hence the specific characteristics of Venus–brown race, Mars–yellow race, and Jupiter–white race…
“In lectures presented by the late Dr. Max Stibbe, who made an extensive study of race relations in South Africa, it was mentioned that the Mercury Mysteries in Atlantis soon degenerated, with the result that the Negro race was deprived of those spiritual impulses that introduced initiatives. Migrating from Atlantis, the blacks entered Africa at the mouth of the Congo river. Some of them went to North-West Africa, the rest journeying to the East and the South. The life forces of the black race are so strong that they absorb all light. The warmth of the cosmos is, so to speak, boiling inside them, hence their particular metabolism, their strong desires, instincts and emotions. Their skin is coarse (large-pored) and their limbs extraordinarily strong, in comparison with which the development of their thinking is much weaker. Their strong life forces see to it that of their soul functions, WILLING is by far the most strongly developed. Their metabolism is dominated by the liver, hence the frequent liver diseases–and other glandular disturbances–among blacks. They are rigidly imprisoned in the fire of their metabolism and their physical as well as etheric body is hardened.” (Picard, 1987, pp. 113-114)

“[Apartheid] failed badly…in spite of the fact that Apartheid is a law of nature and as such a divine law of the Bantu. It failed badly because the Apartheid philosophers like Dr. Hendrik Verwoerd approached the problem in a purely intellectual way. They did not, or possibly could not, realise how easily Apartheid leads to discrimination. The true meaning of Apartheid is NOT discrimination. Not at all, Mutwa [Zulu author Credo Mutwa] declares. The true meaning of the word is: ‘to distinguish between two things without deciding which is best, while discrimination means to distinguish by deciding which is best.’…Apartheid in South Africa though practised in a more humane way than in many black African states must be condemned as a feasible constitutional possibility; not because its principle is wrong but because human nature is such that Apartheid automatically turns into discrimination–and discrimination soon leads to suppression.” (Picard, 1987, pp. 126-127)

“‘Aryan’ is a name that comes out of occult tradition and has often been used by Rudolf Steiner. The Aryan is the spiritual European, the being who with an individualised ego, has a developing consciousness soul directed towards balancing wisdom with morality. This is taken to the point where the personality is drawn from this balance, where wisdom and morality form as it were, a chalice and there is not just wisdom for wisdom’s sake! During this century an extreme form of outward racial connotation has been given to the term Aryan, particularly by Adolf Hitler who by materialising the spiritual task and nature of the Aryan attempted to create an evil counterpart to true spiritual evolution.
“The Aryan type works through the European race in general although he may incarnate within another race as a sacrificial gesture to assist in the destiny of that race. This can happen to assist the individualizing of personalities in that race so that their unique qualities are freed to contribute towards mankind’s future. The immediate cultural task lies with the Aryan.” (Downer, 1987, p. 189)

Recent teacher training manuals show the racial myth is being maintained and taught:

“In ancient times Persia was inhabited by two different peoples, the Aryans and the Turanians. The Turanians, yellow with small cunning eyes, worshipped the god Ahriman, the prince of darkness. The Aryans saw their god in the light of the sun, and named him Ahura Mazdao, the Great Light.” (Wilkinson, 1992, pp. 16-17)

“When it was time for Zarathustra to leave the earth, he climbed the mountain…As he turned to look back at the earth, he had a vision of things to happen in the future. He saw the Aryan peoples marching on victoriously towards the west…” (Wilkinson, 1992, pp. 17-18)

“Noah had three sons, Shem (Sem), Ham and Japhet. Three races are named after them. Shem or Sem means ‘the name’ and implies an ego quality. The Jews are Semites. Ham means ‘the dark one’ and the Egyptians and Canaanites, with whom the Israelites had to contend, trace their descent to him. Japhet means ‘the beautiful.’ The Greek and Nordic peoples are the Japhetites, bearing new spiritual impulses.” (Wilkinson, 1993, p. 23)

III. Quotations: The Jews

The items in each section are in historical order. Steiner’s works are given their original dates. His titles are coded for brevity; please see the references below for the actual editions used. For transmission by wire, italics in originals are rendered *thus*, and dashes by two hyphens “–“.

* Quotations marked with an asterisk are from works which were required reading for teacher trainees at Rudolf Steiner College, 1993-1994.

* “The family [for which Steiner was a live-in tutor, in Vienna, ca 1880] was Jewish. In their views they were quite free from any sectarian or racial narrowness, but the head of the family, to whom I was strongly attached, felt a certain sensitiveness about any expression of a Gentile in regard to the Jews. The flame of anti-Semitism which had sprung up at this time caused this feeling.
“Now, I took an interested part in the struggle which the Germans in Austria were then carrying on in behalf of their national existence. I was also led to occupy myself with the historical and social position of the Jews. Especially earnest did this activity become after the appearance of Hamerling’s Homunculus. This eminently German poet was considered by a great part of the journalists as an anti-Semite because of this work; indeed, he was claimed by the anti-Semites of German nationality as one of their own. This did not concern me at all, but I wrote a paper on the Homunculus in which, as I thought, I expressed myself quite objectively in regard to the position of Judaism. The man in whose home I was living, and who was my friend, took this to be a special form of anti-Semitism. Not in the least did his friendly feeling for me suffer on this account, but he was affected with profound distress. When he had read the paper, he faced me, his heart torn with innermost sorrow, and said to me: ‘What you have written here in regard to the Jews cannot be explained in a friendly sense. This, however, is not what strikes me, but the fact that, in view of your close relation with us, you could have had the experiences which induced you to write thus only in connection with us and our friends.’ He was mistaken; I had formed my opinions altogether on the basis of an intellectual and historical survey; nothing personal had slipped into my judgment. He could not see the matter in this way. His reply to my explanation was: ‘No, the man who teaches my children is, after this paper, no “friend of the Jews.”‘ …To all this was added the fact that many of my friends had taken on from their national struggle a tinge of anti-Semitism in their view of Judaism. They did not look sympathetically upon my holding a post in a Jewish family; and the head of this family saw in my friendly mingling with such persons only a confirmation of the impression he had received from my paper.” (Steiner, 1925, CML pp. 142-143)

“Thus we have two different races of mankind. The one consists of the original descendants of the Elohim, the sons of Cain, who are called the Sons of Fire. They are those who till the earth and create from inanimate nature and transform it through the arts of man … Abel was a shepherd. He held firmly to what he found, he took the world as it was. There is always this antithesis between people. One sticks to things as they are, the other wants to create new life from the inanimate, through art. … It is the Sons of Fire who have to work into the world the wisdom, beauty and goodness from the all-embracing universal throught, in order to transofrm the world into a temple.

“Jehovah is also called the God of created form, the God who turns what is living into a living force, in contrast with that other Elohim who creates by charming life out of what is lifeless. To which of these does the future belong? That is the great question of the Temple Legend. If mankind were to develop under the religion of Jehovah, all life would expire in form. … [T]he point in time has now arrived when man himself must awaken the dead to life. That will happen through the Sons of Cain, through those who do not rely on the things around them, but are themselves the creators of new forms.” (Steiner, 1905, TL p. 142)

“[C]onsciousness of this group-soulness existed preeminently among the ancient Hebrews. A person who consciously felt himself to be a member of this people understood, ‘As an individual human being, I am a transitory phenomenon, but there lives in me something that has an immediate connection with all the soul essence that has streamed down since the days of our progenitor, Abraham.'” (Steiner, 1909, UH p. 10)

“It takes a certain kind of brain to express such faculties as Zarathustra possessed. That is, he had to be born into a body that had inherited the qualities making it an appropriate instrument for such faculties. … This perfectly adapted physical organization was the contribution of the ancient Hebrews to Christianity.” (Steiner, 1909, UH p. 33)

“[T]he faculties having to do with reasoning not related to clairvoyance, with evaluating the world by measure, number and weight–faculties that aim not at seeing into the spiritual world but at understanding sensory phenomena–were first implanted by the spiritual world in the individuality known as Abraham or Abram. … Abraham’s mission, however, was not a teaching or method of clairvoyant perception but something bound to the brain. Thus, it could be transmitted to later generations only through physical inheritance. The mission given to Abraham depended on being transmitted physically from one generation to the next, that is, the perfected organization of Abraham’s brain had to be inherited by his descendants generation after generation.” (Steiner, 1909, UH p. 36)

“The Hebrews were chosen to develop the faculties for observation of the outer world. Nevertheless, every new development contains also atavistic remnants of earlier things. That is why everything that was not purely in the blood and still recalled ancient clairvoyance had to be excluded for the sake of the transmission of the new outer-directed faculties. Thus, the Hebrews always had to exclude what came as an inheritance from other peoples.” (Steiner, 1909, UH p. 41)

“It was the special faculty of the ancient Hebrews to turn what is inherited down through the generations into a more and more perfect instrument so that finally a body could be produced that could be the instrument for Christ who would incarnate in it. … They had to receive through external revelation even those things other peoples received through direct inspiration…Joseph was initiated into the Egyptian mysteries, and the Jews attained through external means the knowledge they needed about the spiritual worlds.” (Steiner, 1909, UH p. 44)

“The Babylonian Captivity was the time when the astral body of the Hebrews developed, and what gives this astral body its impulse in the final fourteen generations of the forty-two was implanted into it then. That is why the Hebrews were led into the Babylonian Captivity where, six hundred years before our era, Zarathas or Nazarathos was incarnated as the teacher in the Mystery schools of the Babylonians. There, the most prominent Hebrew leaders came in contact with Zarathas, the great teacher of that era. Zarathas joined them and became their teacher. From him the Hebrew leaders received the impulse that, in their last fourteen generations, prepared them for the birth of Jesus.” (Steiner, 1909, UH p. 46)

“[Jesus felt]: All the forces of soul which I believed had been bestowed upon me lead only to the realisation that in the evolution of the Jewish people there is no longer the capacity to reach the heights of Divine revelations.” (Steiner, 1913, FG p. 67)

“The fact that Jehovah could not free himself from the spirits he had evoked led to the transition of the Old Testament thinking into the atheistic science of the modern age. This in the field of social thinking has become marxism or something similar.” (Steiner, 1918, TCT pp. 32-33)

“Since, for the life between birth and death, what is connected with the breathing remains unconscious, the Jewish culture was a folk culture, not an individualized culture of humanity. It was a folk culture in which everything is related to the descent from a common tribal father. Jewish revelation is, in its essential nature, a revelation adapted to the Jewish people, because it takes account of what is acquired during the embryonic life and is modified only through an unconscious element, the breathing process.
“What is the result of this fact in our critical times? The result is that those who will not become adherents of the Christ wisdom that brings into the human being the other element, acquired during the life between birth and death apart from the breathing process, wish to continue in their relationship to the Jehovah wisdom and to have humanity established only on the basis of folk cultures. The present clamor in favor of an organization consisting of individuals from mere peoples is a retarded ahrimanic demand for the establishment of such a culture, in which all the peoples represent only folk cultures, that is, Old Testament cultures. The peoples in all parts of the world are to become like the Jewish Old Testament people. This is the demand of Woodrow Wilson.” (Steiner, 1918, TCT pp. 165-166)

“[T]here must gradually develop in humanity what is connected with the true Christ impulse, and what is related to the mere Jehovah impulse must be superseded.” (Steiner, 1918, TCT p. 167)

“Christ Jesus appeared amongst a people who worshipped Jahve or Jehovah, that Jehovah-God who is connected with all that is natural existence…Jahve is that God who can never, if man is connected with Him alone, give man his completeness…He does not give man the consciousness of his rebirth…So we see how modern humanity is led away and diverted from Christ Jesus for Whom there is no distinction of class, nation or race, but for Whom there is only a single humanity. We see how the thoughts and feelings of modern humanity have been led aside to that which has already been overcome by the birth of Jesus Christ…And if it was the *one* Jehovah that the Jews worshipped when Christ came, then the modern nations have returned to *many* Jehovahs…In a beautiful way does the Christmas tree lead us back to man’s origin; in an ugly and hateful way does the national Jehovah principle lead us back. In reality that which is only a Jehovah, through an unconscious lie, is often addressed as Christ, and the name of Christ is thus misused.” (Steiner, 1920, SNI pp. 4-5)

In *Invisible Africa*, a resource book on Africa for Waldorf teachers, a South African Anthroposophist links Judaism and the materialistic spirit Ahriman:

“By the third epoch, the races had become established with the one-sidedness which is still apparent today. As we previously suggested, the spiritual European consciousness soul aspirant (Aryan) is not tied to the one-sided racial political climate of our modern world whether for or against racialism; both miss the main issue.
“The Aryan can be found in any race, just as much as any race member can be found to have incarnated as an outward European. As we previously suggested, racial collectiveness for its own sake is not conducive to cultural development in our age. The world appears to be isolating us [South Africa], but in reality the opposite is true. We are being withdrawn to preserve what Europe can no longer do.
“The Jehovah Ahriman forms are casting their light over Europe even over the most protected of corners and individuals. The danger lies with individuals when the consciousness soul is flung back into its old moon astrality. Then wisdom is sought for wisdom’s sake and becomes to the dismay of their soul, enhanced information. The individual should seek the inner light of enquiry. But the social political sphere shows the easier path of moral indignation for matters outside, which the world media happily supply [sic].
“What we call the news media are pictures of the nervous system of the being referred to above (Jehovah Ahriman). They evoke emotional responses for matters that have no cosmic counterpart, thus trapping the individual more into a web of baleful light where even anarchy can appear artistic.” (Downer, 1987, p. 195)

A present-day Israeli Anthroposophist writes:

“The tragic karmic bonds that unite the three [peoples: Germans, Russians and Jews], when experienced in the light and warmth of the present Christ Revelation, reveals profound mysteries of the past, present and future destiny of the Christ impulse and the Ego development of humanity. (The Jews represent the past, the Germans the present, and the Russians the future of this impulse.)” (Ben Aharon, 1993, p. 53)

IV. References

Ben Aharon, Josaiah. The Spritual Event of the Twentieth Century: An Imagination: The Occult Significance of the 12 Years from 1933-45 in the Light of Spiritual Science. London: Temple Lodge, 1993.

Downer, Graham. “The South African Paleolithic Age.” Invisible Africa: A search for the Grail in Africa–Selected Essays. Kenilworth, Republic of South Africa: Novalis Press, 1987, p. 188.

Goodrick-Clarke, Nicholas. The Occult Roots of Nazism: Secret Aryan Cults and Their Influence on Nazi Ideology: The Ariosophists of Austria and Germany, 1890-1935. New York, New York University Press, 1992.

Picard, Hymen W.J. “Some Thoughts on Race Relations.” Invisible Africa: A search for the Grail in Africa–Selected Essays. Kenilworth, Republic of South Africa: Novalis Press, 1987.

Steiner, CM
Steiner, Rudolf. Cosmic Memory: Prehistory of Earth and Man. (1904) Trans. Karl E. Zimmer. Blauvelt, New York: Steinerbooks, 1987.

* Steiner, CML
Steiner, Rudolf. The Course of My Life. (1925) Trans. Olin D. Wannamaker. Hudson, NY: Anthroposophic Press, 1951.

Steiner, CRLA
Steiner, Rudolf. Christ in Relation to Lucifer and Ahriman. (1915) Trans. Peter Mollenhauer, Ph.D. Spring Valley, NY: Anthroposophic Press, 1978.

* Steiner, CT-3
Steiner, Rudolf. Conferences with the Teachers of the Waldorf School in Stuttgart 1922 to 1923: Volume Three: Being the end of the Fourth Year. (1923) Trans. Pauline Wehrle. Forest Row, U.K.: Steiner Schools Fellowship Publications, 1988.

* Steiner, CT-4
Steiner, Rudolf. Conferences with the Teachers of the Waldorf School in Stuttgart 1923 to 1924: Volume Four: Being to the end of Dr. Steiner’s visits to the School. (1924) Trans. Pauline Wehrle. Forest Row, U.K.: Steiner Schools Fellowship Publications, 1989

Steiner, DIN
Steiner, Rudolf. The Destinies of Individuals and of Nations. (1914-15) Trans. Anna R. Meuss. New York: Anthroposophic Press 1987.

Steiner, EEM
Steiner, Rudolf. The Evolution of the Earth and Man and the Influence of the Stars. (1924) Trans. Gladys Hahn. Hudson, NY: Anthroposophic Press, 1987

Steiner, FG
Steiner, Rudolf. The Fifth Gospel. (1913) Trans. C. Davy & D.S. Osmond. London: Rudolf Steiner Press, 1968.

Steiner, GSJ
Steiner, Rudolf. The Gospel of St. John And Its Relation to the Other Gospels. (1909) Trans. Samuel and Loni Lockwood, rev. Maria St. Goar, ed. Stewart Easton. Spring Valley: Anthroposophic Press, 1982.

Steiner, HI-1
Steiner, Rudolf. Health and Illness: Volume I. (1922) Trans. Maria St. Goar. Spring Valley: Anthroposophic Press, 1981.

* Steiner, KHW
Steiner, Rudolf. Knowledge of the Higher Worlds and its Attainment. (1904) Trans. George Metaxa, revised by Henry B. and Lisa D. Monges. Hudson, NY: Anthroposophic Press, 1947.

Steiner, KU1
Steiner, Rudolf. The Karma of Untruthfulness: Volume One. (1916) Trans. Johanna Collis. New York: Anthroposophic Press, 1988

Steiner, MTA
Steiner, Rudolf. Materialism and the Task of Anthroposophy. (1921) Trans. Maria St. Goar. Hudson, NY: Anthroposophic Press, 1987.

Steiner, SNI
Steiner, Rudolf. The Search for the new Isis the divine Sophia. (1920) Trans. not given. Spring Valley, NY: Mercury Press, 1983.

Steiner, SSFSF
Steiner, Rudolf. Spiritual Science as a Foundation for Social Forms. (1920) Trans. Maria St. Goar. Ed. Alan Howard. New York: Anthroposophic Press,1986.

* Steiner, T
Steiner, Rudolf. Theosophy: An Introduction to the Supersensible Knowledge of the World and the Destination of Man. (1922) Trans. Henry B. Monges, Revised by Gilbert Church. Hudson: Anthroposophic Press, 1971.

Steiner, TCT
Steiner, Rudolf. The Challenge of the Times. (1918) Trans. Olin D. Wannamaker. Spring Valley, NY: Anthroposophic Press, 1941 (undated edition post 1961)

Steiner, UH
Steiner, Rudolf. The Universal Human: Four Lectures given between 1909 and 1916 in Munich and Bern. (1909-1916) Trans. edited by Christopher Bamford and Sabine H. Seiler. Anthroposophic Press, 1990.

Wilkinson, Roy. Teaching History: The Ancient Civilizations; India; Persia; Egypt and Babylonia; The Fourth Cultural Epoch: Greece and Rome. Fair Oaks, CA: Rudolf Steiner College Press, 1992.

Wilkinson, Roy. Commentary on the Old Testament Stories. Fair Oaks, CA: Rudolf Steiner College Press, 1993.

Are Rudolf Steiner’s Waldorf Schools ‘Non-Sectarian’?

Are Rudolf Steiner’s Waldorf Schools ‘Non-Sectarian’?

Dan Dugan and Judy Daar

© Free Inquiry, Spring 1994 (Vol. 14 No. 2), reproduced by permission

Public funding of schools in Milwaukee and Detroit operated by a cultlike religious sect is a new crack in the wall of separation between church and state. The establishment in law of this separation was a great social innovation of the American Revolution, and publicly funded non-sectarian schools are the flesh and blood expression of this principle. The courts for the most part have stood firm against the general funding of openly sectarian schools. The “Lemon” test, referring to the Supreme Court ruling, Lemon v. Kurtzman (403 U.S. 602 1970), provides that, under the establishment clause of the First Amendment, the primary effect of a government action must not be to advance religion. The Supreme Court has also clearly ruled that a state may not design or modify the curriculum of its schools in order to further religion at the expense of non-religion or to further one set of religious beliefs over others.

The establishment of publicly funded Waldorf schools should be cause for alarm for anyone who is concerned with preserving the separation of church and state, because these schools are the missionary arm of a religious sect hiding behind a facade of propaganda and dissimulation. We do not make this assertion lightly: one of us had a child in a Waldorf school for a year and a half; we have attended many open houses and lectures at four Waldorf schools, studied forty books by founder Rudolf Steiner and many by his followers, read Waldorf teacher training texts, and several academic theses, and monitored periodicals of the parent Anthroposophical Society for several years.

Rudolf Steiner and Anthroposophy

Waldorf schools are the most visible activity of the international Anthroposophical Society, which has been called “the most successful occult religion in Europe” by Sven Ove Hansson, a Swedish skeptic.[1] Other writers refer to it as “the most developed contemporary instance of Western esotericism”[2]; and a “highly organized occult group.” [3]

Anthroposophy emerged from the spiritual confusion of turn-of-the-century Germany, part of a burgeoning of exotic and occultist religious activity not unlike the 1960s’ “New Age” explosion in America. The Anthroposophical Society was created by Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925), who had led the German section of Theosophy, but split off to form a group that would follow his personal revelations of the “spirit world.” The sect developed to maturity during the social and political turmoil Germany suffered during and after World War I.

The group’s activities include Anthroposophical Medicine (in Europe the sect has its own hospitals), Biodynamic Agriculture, Eurythmy (dance) schools, Camphill Villages for the developmentally disabled, and a church, Christian Community. Its most effective outreach program is the Waldorf schools.

Their numbers demonstrate the extent of their success. Over five hundred schools exist worldwide, including about 125 in the United States, and the number is growing steadily. Although they are called Waldorf schools here, in honor of the first such school created in 1919 for children of the workers at aWaldorf-Astoria factory, they are also known as Steiner schools, and in some parts of Europe simply as the Free Schools.


In Steiner’s doctrine, Christ is a sun god come to earth, not to redeem humanity from sin, but to help the human race balance between the influences of the Zoroastrian gods of light and darkness, Lucifer and Ahriman. Steiner’s revelations typically blur religious, scientific, and historical topics. His version of history includes epochs on the lost continents of Lemuria and Atlantis, which he claimed to have read with “clairvoyant vision” out of the mythical “akashic record.”

Steiner derived some of his central concepts from Hinduism (via Theosophy): reincarnation, karma, and polytheism. He mixed in the dual gods of light and dark from Zoroastrianism, and fit it all into the geocentric cosmology of medieval Europe, where humanity is positioned in a cosmic hierarchy below nine classes of supernatural beings. The occultist doctrine of correspondences, expressed in the formula “as above, so below,” is the unifying principle. Seven planets correspond to seven epochs of history, twelve constellations of the zodiac to parts of the body, four elements to human temperaments, and so on, in elaborate detail. These magical correspondences describe the universe as one living spiritual web of being.

Steiner’s mystical world view is deeply pessimistic. He foretold, among other things, the reincarnation of the dark god Ahriman early in the twenty- first century. In this respect, Anthroposophy is not unlike evangelical Christianity with its propensity for millennialism.

After World War I, having failed to inspire world leaders to adopt his utopian political system, Steiner founded a school system so that Antrhoposophy could at least start the process of raising the evolutionary stage of souls who would be reborn in future generations. Steiner states emphatically, in the manner of all religious dogmatists, that his revelation is the only truth, and that all other traditions and ways of knowledge are erroneous.

The Attractive Qualities of the Schools

How and why do non-Anthroposophists choose to send their children to schools that disseminate these unusual ideas? Waldorf schools hold open houses for parents, but the sect’s stranger beliefs are invisible unless one knows where to look. A visitor sees beauty everywhere and dedication in every staff person. Colors, lighting, and artwork are carefully chosen with loving attention to human feelings. The walls are painted in blended pastels, using a special wet layered technique that yields a shimmering effect. Prints of great works of art adorn the walls, along with student art, and collections of beautiful natural objects change with the seasons. The arts of storytelling, drawing, music, and drama are incorporated into lessons in all subjects. The teachers are as dedicated as Catholic nuns. They greet each student with a handshake and eye contact every morning. Primary teachers stay with their classes up through the grades, becoming surrogate parents. It isn’t surprising that the physical beauty and nurturing atmosphere of the schools, and the idealism of the teachers, prove to be almost irresistibly attractive to parents.


Besides their seductive beauty, these schools use deliberate deception about their purpose and organization to attract the children of outsiders. From the beginning, Steiner planned to attract the general public by systematically concealing the objectives of the schools and the contents of their curriculum. As he wrote in 1920, while trying to obtain state approval for his school:

We must worm our way through. . . . [I]n order to do what we want to do, at least, it is necessary to talk with the people, not because we want to, but because we have to, and inwardly make fools of them. [4]

A visitor might understandably assume from the use of Christian symbolism that Waldorf schools are Christian. Parents who are Christians, or who are willing to have their children educated within the Christian tradition for the sake of a superior education, might be willing to choose these schools on this basis, just as many non-Catholics choose to send their children to parochial schools. In addition, Waldorf teachers say that along with Christianity, other religions are studied as part of the spiritual history of mankind. But would so many parents enroll their children in Waldorf schools if they knew the strange beliefs of the founder, the principles that motivate the teachers, and the extent to which those particular beliefs and principles influence what is taught? Though the teachers say that, in spite of their personal belief in Steiner’s religious teachings, they use only his pedagogical techniques professionally, we know otherwise.

Anthroposophists are evasive when asked about Steiner’s occultist doctrines, but the pedagogy is based on the whole work of Steiner, and the totality of his writings should be investigated by public school boards considering proposals for public alternative Waldorf schools. Steiner’s world view can be found in books from Anthroposophical presses on sale at Waldorf schools. If these beliefs were arranged in a creed, and parents were asked to agree to them, it is likely that the schools would be very small indeed, with only a couple of dozen children of believers in each school.

There are no textbooks, but inquiring parents could, if they looked, find books by Steiner containing occultist religious, pseudoscientific, and racist statements typical of Germany in the 1920s. Nonetheless, Waldorf teachers have assured the authors that the schools are “non-sectarian,” admitting only that some of Steiner’s teachings are “difficult.”

We don’t know what material the Anthroposophists provided to the Milwaukee and Detroit school boards, but the San Francisco Waldorf School gave the authors a paper that contained the following deceptive statements:

How much of Anthroposophy and of Steiner’s ideas are taught to the children in a Waldorf school?

None. On the day Rudolf Steiner opened the first Waldorf school, he stated firmly, “It is not our intention to teach growing human beings our ideas, the contents of our world-conception. We are not aiming at education for the sake of any special dogma.” Although there is a worldwide Anthroposophical Society, whose members invariably are supportive of the Waldorf schools, there is no connection between the schools and the Society. [Emphasis added.]

Are the schools religious?

In the sense of subscribing to the tenets of a particular denomination or sect, the answer is No. However, the schools are “religious” in a higher sense of the word, and they are based on the Christian perspective of Western civilization.[5]

Compare this with Steiner’s private conferences with the teachers of the first Waldorf school:

[Y]ou people who work at the Waldorf School must help to support the whole Movement . . . the Waldorf School can put itself on a broad basis and thus be a pillar for the whole Anthroposophical Movement. [6]

That this policy continues to the present day is amply attested by the contemporary Anthroposophical writer Gilbert Childs:

Waldorf teachers must be anthroposophists first and teachers second. [7]

. . . it must never be forgotten–and one must be emphatic about this–that the whole of teaching matter and method in Steiner schools is aimed at developing within each child the consciousness that spirit permeates everything in the world.[8]

Artist, writer, and former Waldorf teacher M. C. Richards summarizes the religious nature of the schools thus:

One could say that Waldorf education has a hidden agenda. Its curriculum is described in terms common to public schools in general: arithmetic, writing, reading. . . But in Steiner schools the dimensions of these subjects are threefold: they are artistic, cognitive, and religious.[9]

Anthroposophy in the Curriculum

This contradictory policy affects the teaching in two ways: by the direct teaching of doctrine, of which some zealous teachers are more guilty than others, and more commonly by the omission of information that conflicts with doctrine. Sect beliefs leak into the classes because of the teachers’ commitment to bring these “facts” to the students. Often, simply through ignorance, they accept Steiner’s ideas on a subject without being aware the rest of the world thinks otherwise.
As Steiner argued:

You must make the children conscious that they are being given the objective truth. And if this sometimes appears to be anthroposophical, anthroposophy is not to blame; it is that things have to be like that because . . . the matter itself leads to it becoming anthroposophical.[10]

In other cases, the teachers believe that doctrines of the sect are advanced scientific knowledge they are privileged to be able to present. A sixth-grade physiology class in a Waldorf school, for example, will include lessons on “the twelve senses” and how they correspond to the signs of the zodiac. Steiner’s “post-Atlantean epochs,” the latter part of this reading of “akashic record” of the “evolution” of the earth, are presented as the objective framework of history. Art consists of copying the teacher’s illustrations from the board, and practicing Steiner’s wet-on-wet watercolor meditations on “pure color.” Much time is spent in repetitive geometric drawing, intended to give appreciation of the “qualities” of “pure numbers.”

Any knowledge that conflicts with Steiner’s eccentric doctrines is simply omitted. Steiner taught that the heart doesn’t pump blood, so although Waldorf students may draw beautiful diagrams of the human circulatory system, they will never learn how it works. He taught that light is pure spirit, and that Newton was wrong: light cannot be divided into colors. Waldorf graduates are unlikely to have a clear notion of the electromagnetic spectrum, despite having taken physics in both grammar and high schools.

Long-term Waldorf teachers are pious Anthroposophists, dedicated to preserving and promulgating Steiner’s world view. Over the center of the blackboard, where Catholics would put a crucifix, we have seen a Waldorf teacher put a painting of the sun. Another classroom we visited gave the top center position to a picture of a dancer, left arm angled up and right arm angled down. This is a depiction of a sign for the sun god, the swastika.

Waldorf classes always begin with a prayer. The following Steiner verse is recited daily in grades one through four:

The loving rays of sun
Give me the light of day;
The spirit power of soul
Within my limbs I feel;
In sunlight shining clear
I reverence, O God,
The power of human strength
Which Thou so graciously
Hast planted in my soul.[11]

To the uninformed this might look like a generic prayer, acceptable to any deistic religion. If one knows that Anthroposophists honor a sun god, however, the text reads quite differently.

In Milwaukee, where the school board has chosen to fund a Waldorf school as a public alternative school, Waldorf master teacher Betty Staley reports that the prayers have been retained by the simple expedient of changing God to “the light within.”[12] The use of the word God in Waldorf class prayers was already, in the 1920s, a conscious accommodation to public sensitivities. Anthroposophical writings usually refer to “the gods” rather than “God.” These changes were consistent with Steiner’s policy of camouflage. As he counseled in 1920,

[W]ith these things the outer form is of the utmost importance. Never call the verse a “prayer” but a “school opening verse.” Do see to it that people do not hear the expression “prayer” used by a teacher. This will go a long way towards overcoming the prejudice that this is an anthroposophical school.[13]

All Waldorf students take two special subjects that are purely Anthroposophical spiritual exercises, painting and Eurythmy. Students take painting classes continually, but in them they learn only one technique, year after year: Steiner’s wet-paper watercolor method. Waldorf students learn and use other illustration techniques in their regular class time, but the painting classes are special. All the students paint the same pictures. Waldorf painting classes have nothing to do with creativity or self- expression. Their secret intention is to work on the students’ subconscious by meditation on pure color and symbolic images.

Eurythmy is taken by all students twice a week. Like the painting, it is aspiritual and “therapeutic” exercise. Eurythmic gestures represent the consonants (twelve, corresponding to the zodiac), vowels (seven, planets), musical keys (twelve), intervals (seven), and geometric figures. The gestures are devoid of meaning except to the initiated, who accept Steiner’s claim that Eurythmy is the actual language of the angels.

One of the most obviously cultlike qualities of the Waldorf schools is their rejection of outside ideas, both in pedagogy and in the subjects taught. They have their own methods, which they have received from their master. Since Steiner is dead, there can be no modification or development.

Waldorf teachers go only to Waldorf teacher training and enrichment institutes. They don’t take college courses or enroll in regional or national teacher organizations. Waldorf students are similarly isolated. For example, the San Francisco Waldorf School’s science classes don’t go to the Exploratorium, San Francisco’s world-famous “hands-on” science museum, because the theories taught there conflict with Steiner’s revelations.

Waldorf primary school students never touch a computer. The public explanation for this is that a child shouldn’t use anything before he can understand how it works. The private reason is that computers are believed to be an incarnation of the evil spirit Ahriman.[14] This is a good example of how concealed doctrine has a deleterious effect on the curriculum.


How is it possible that two public school systems, Milwaukee and Detroit, have begun funding these religious schools in spite of the Supreme Court decisions? Both Milwaukee and Detroit have had long-established private Waldorf schools. The new schools have been created as public “alternative” schools.

Dr. Robert Peterkin, the Milwaukee Superintendent of Schools, began the public Waldorf program there after meeting the founder of the private Detroit Waldorf school, Dr. Rudolph Wilhelm, a retired professor of medicine who is also the president of Americans for Choice in Education.
Dr. Peterkin viewed videos prepared by the Anthroposophists and visited a Waldorf school in Chicago. Apparently seduced by the attractive appearance of the system, he invited the top guns of the U.S. Waldorf school movement to act as advisors.[15]

It is no surprise that they determined the teachers for the new school would have to be trained by people from the Waldorf movement. Public school teachers were then subjected to indoctrination in Anthroposophy. According to Waldorf master teacher Betty Staley, the teachers studied:

. . . the biography of Rudolf Steiner; the development of the child; the basic Waldorf curriculum and its relation to child development; the four temperaments; the importance of the teacher’s working on his/her inner life through group exercises; and the processes of transformation of the self through the arts.[16]

The first indication of irregularity is that the biography of the founder was at the top of the agenda. The next items exemplify the sect’s habit of redefining common terms to their special meanings. When Anthroposophists speak of “child development,” they are referring to Steiner’s three seven-year stages (mystical numbers) in which the child’s soul gradually reincarnates from the spiritual world; and the “physical,” “etheric,” and “astral” bodies are brought into what he calls their proper relationship to foster the incarnation of the “I” that has been “evolving” between death and rebirth. “The four temperaments” refers to Steiner’s revival of medieval psychology. Waldorf teachers classify personalities as sanguine, melancholic, phlegmatic, or choleric, and treat children differently according to their types. “Group exercises” are Steiner’s meditation practices. Staley reported that the new trainees took to the Steiner doctrine enthusiastically.


Waldorf schools are designed to promote the teachings of Rudolf Steiner, and those teachings are indisputably religious. If it’s a Waldorf school, it must be religious. The claim that Anthroposophically trained Waldorf teachers can keep religion out of the classroom is transparently false. In light of our understanding of the totalistic nature of Anthroposophy, we are very skeptical of any claims that legitimate public schools can be founded using Steiner’s pedagogy.

The school boards of Milwaukee and Detroit have put themselves in a very difficult position. Perhaps without intending to do so, they have created schools that violate the U.S. Constitution. The school boards did not fulfill their obligation to investigate thoroughly the alternatives proposed. Any further attempts to “clean up” the teaching in the schools as presently established would only result in another layer of deception. It might be possible to establish schools that take many of the good Waldorf school ideas into a secular environment, but this could only be done by people not indoctrinated by Anthroposophical training. If these school boards are looking for creative alternative solutions to educational problems, they should dissolve the existing Waldorf schools and start over. Their mistake underlines the need for constant vigilance to protect the wall of separation.


[1] Hansson, Sven Ove. “Is Anthroposophy Science?” Conceptus, XXV:64, 1991, pp. 37-49.
[2] Ahern, Geoffrey. Sun at Midnight: The Rudolf Steiner Movement and the Western Esoteric Tradition. Wellingborough, Northamptonshire: Aquarian Press, 1984, p. 15
[3] Webb, James. The Occult Establishment. La Salle, Illinois: Open Court, 1976, p. 61
[4] Steiner, Rudolf (1920). Conferences with Teachers of the Waldorf School in Stuttgart, 1919 to 1920 Volume One. Forest Row, East Sussex: Steiner Schools Fellowship Publications, 1986, p. 125.
[5] Holland, Wade B. The Waldorf Schools: 32 Questions and Answers. Second Edition. Inverness, CA: Children’s Book Service, 1981, p. 8.
[6] Steiner, Rudolf (1922). Conferences with Teachers of the Waldorf School in Stuttgart, 1921 to 1922 Volume Two. Forest Row, East Sussex: Steiner Schools Fellowship Publications, 1987, p. 59.
[7] Childs, Gilbert. Steiner Education in Theory and Practice. Edinburgh: Floris Books, 1991, p. 166.
[8] Ibid., p. 176, Childs’ Emphasis.
[9] Richards, M.C. Toward Wholeness: Rudolf Steiner Education in America. Irvington, NY: Columbia University Press, 1980, p. 164
[10] Steiner, Rudolf (1923). Conferences with Teachers of the Waldorf School in Stuttgart, 1922 to 1923 Volume Three. Forest Row, East Sussex: Steiner Schools Fellowship Publications, 1988, p. 53.
[11] Steiner, Conferences with Teachers, Vol. 1, p. 55.
[12] Staley, Betty. “The Urban Waldorf Program in Milwaukee: Waldorf Education Comes to the Public Schools.” Renewal, 1:1, pp. 8-11. Fair Oaks, CA: Association of Waldorf Schools of North America, 1992, p. 11.
[13] Steiner, Conferences with Teachers, Vol. 1, p. 45.
[14] Black, David B. The Computer and the Incarnation of Ahriman. Spring Valley, NY: St. George Publications, 1981, p. 35.
[15] Staley, “Waldorf Program in Milwaukee,” p. 8.
[16] Ibid., p. 9.