Category: Anthroposophy
Here we explore Rudolf Steiner’s spiritual philosophy, anthroposophy, which underpins Waldorf education. Beliefs like reincarnation, karma, and spiritual development influence curriculum and teaching methods, raising concerns about transparency.
Skeptic’s Dictionary: Rudolf Steiner
Rudolf Steiner, founder of Anthroposophy, influenced areas like education, agriculture, and spirituality with esoteric beliefs about spiritual evolution and the role of spiritual knowledge. His Waldorf educational model emphasizes developmental stages and imaginative, artistic learning, impacting hundreds of schools worldwide. While critics argue that his theories lack scientific grounding and promote unverified mysticism, supporters see…
French Anthroposophists Practicing the (Perhaps Not So) Michaelic Art of Slaying Dissenters
“The anthroposophical movement has come up with the idea that in order to protect themselves from the unfortunate reputation of being a cult, they would happily (and in a magnificently paradoxical way) behave as a cult would behave.”
All Hell Breaks Loose in Dornach! or: the Judith von Halle Phenomenon
Defiantly, with its massive concrete façade, the Goetheanum looms over Dornach and Arlesheim. At the foot of the hill, just half a kilometer down from the very center of anthroposophy, she has pitched her tent in a one-time carpenter’s workshop: Judith von Halle, by far the most controversial figure in the movement founded by Rudolf…
Steiner & Krishnamurti
Explore the historical background of Rudolf Steiner’s rejection of Krishnamurti as the new World Teacher and delve into the racial ideologies at play in this crucial moment of theosophical history.
Steiner’s Early Nationalism
Explore Rudolf Steiner’s early nationalist beliefs in Austria and their influence on his later spiritual teachings, as analyzed by Peter Staudenmaier.
Anthroposophy and Ecofascism
Peter Staudenmaier (revised 2008) In June, 1910, Rudolf Steiner, the founder of anthroposophy, began a speaking tour of Norway with a lecture to a large and attentive audience in Oslo. The lecture series was titled “The Mission of National Souls in Relation to Nordic-Germanic Mythology.” In the Oslo lectures Steiner presented his theory of “folk…
Anthroposophy and its Defenders
Delve into the debate over Anthroposophy and Ecofascism sparked by Peter Normann Waage’s defense of anthroposophy, revealing historical naiveté.
The Janus Face of Anthroposophy
In their response to Peter Waage, Peter Zegers and Peter Staudenmaier delve into the complexities of anthroposophy and challenge romanticized views.
Adventure in Anthroposophy by Rüdiger Sünner [Film]
Many people know about “Waldorf schools,” but very few know anything about the life and work of Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925) who founded them in 1919. What was the thinking of this man who in the last hundred years has given such a decisive boost to education, agriculture, medicine, business, science, architecture and art? What is…
The Art of Avoiding History
In response to critiques of anthroposophy, this text argues that the movement has a historical record of authoritarianism, elitism, and racism.
Steiner and the Warlord
by former Waldorf student Roger Rawlings. “As an amazingly gifted clairvoyant, Rudolf Steiner should have foreseen—before the first German boot trod upon Belgian soil in 1914—the dreadful carnage to come as well as its horrific results. Yet he associated himself with the leader of Germany’s military, a man who might fairly be described as a…
Anthroposophy 101
Learn about Anthroposophy, an international religious sect following Rudolf Steiner’s teachings. Discover its history, world-view, and controversial aspects.
Anthroposophy 101
Discover Ronald Koetzsch’s insightful editorial in Renewal journal, providing a concise overview of Anthroposophy and its spiritual principles. Koetzsch sheds light on the complex worldview of Waldorf educators.
Bibliography on the Applicability of “Occultism” As a Description of Anthroposophy
On the waldorf-critics list, July 20, 2006 “Re: the meaning of occultism” Baandje wrote:The only time I hear the word “occult” used today, is in conjunctionwith some fundamentalist group and whatever it is they happen to takeexception to. […]In all my years of involvement with various spiritual groups andindividual seekers of the spirit, I honestly…
Anthroposophy, Rudolf Steiner and Waldorf/Steiner Schools [PDF]
Collected references from the National Library of Australia. An annotated bibliography.