Category: Quotations
Here we explore quotations about Waldorf education and anthroposophy, featuring perspectives from founders, critics, educators, and parents. These quotes provide insight into the philosophies, practices, and controversies that shape Waldorf schools and their guiding beliefs.
What We’re Made Of
Discover Steiner’s fascinating insights on anatomy and physiology collected by Roger Rawlings on WaldorfWatch. Explore the hidden wisdom behind the human body in this informative article.
Steiner Quotes on Color and Art
Discover fascinating quotes by Rudolf Steiner on color and art, collected by Sharon Lombard, a dedicated Waldorf/Steiner/Anthroposophy scholar-in-the-making.
Wet-on-wet Painting As Talisman
Sharon Lombard is a long time member of PLANS and our resident Waldorf scholar-in-the-making. In January 2001, she shared via successive posts to the waldorf-critics discussion group her research on the meaning behind Waldorf’s signature “wet-on-wet” painting technique used in the lower grades. She also provided photos of actual Waldorf wet-on-wet paintings that her daughter…