Author: Sharon Lombard
Steiner Quotes on Color and Art
Discover fascinating quotes by Rudolf Steiner on color and art, collected by Sharon Lombard, a dedicated Waldorf/Steiner/Anthroposophy scholar-in-the-making.
Spotlight on Anthroposophy
Discover how enrolling a child in a Waldorf school led one family into the world of Anthroposophy in this revealing article by Sharon Lombard.
Wet-on-wet Painting As Talisman
Sharon Lombard is a long time member of PLANS and our resident Waldorf scholar-in-the-making. In January 2001, she shared via successive posts to the waldorf-critics discussion group her research on the meaning behind Waldorf’s signature “wet-on-wet” painting technique used in the lower grades. She also provided photos of actual Waldorf wet-on-wet paintings that her daughter…